Monday, July 16, 2018

295 Blog Post 3

295 Blog Post: Turner
While walking through the Tate Britain and observing the J.M.W Turner collection within the museum I was lost in what I could I possibly write about. I then started to really pay attention to the contrasts between light and dark colors within Turners paintings. The realization that he preferred to use a lot of darker colors with a lot of earth tones and within his paintings with night scenes, the use of dominating black scenes. While I saw this I also noticed that he preferred these darker scenes, but he seemed to always make a spotlight within his paintings, a focus made with sunlight or some sort of contrasting light of color. The two most captivating pieces I saw within the Tate Britain of Turner’s use of contrasting his scenes of light and dark are the “Peace- Burial at Sea” and the “Buttermere Lake”. The piece, “Peace- Burial at Sea” is a scene set on the sea with two boats crashing into each other, and the two ships are the focus of the painting even though they are pitch black. The edges and background of this painting are white and lighter than the center, which is a complete contrast to usual shading and shadowing used throughout Turner’s other paintings. Another interesting thing about this painting and its use of light within the painting is the fact that in between the two colliding ships, between the dark charcoal smoke there’s a strip of light, imitating the fires engulfing the ships, but the light separates and lightens the scene within the center. The “Buttermere Lake” piece is a beautiful use of these contrasts, where the lake is engulfed in a black and dark color scheme and the only light aspect is a half-circle that makes an arch ending in one spot of the painting that draws your eye to it, drawing your attention to the only lit up part of the painting which is in the middle of the painting and contrasts the edges of darkness.
As I walked through Turner’s collection I honestly forgot about Dabydeen’s preface of in Turner. I found myself focusing more on Turner’s technique and abilities within his paintings and delve myself into reading the little plaques of his life, provided by the museum. As I started to finish up my own tour of Tate’s collection I started to recall Dabydeen’s preface and what we had talked about during class time and started to wonder how I felt about this aspect of the artist, how he was portrayed by the museum and how he was portrayed by Dabydeen. I began to wonder if this was becoming a question for me of “Can I separate the artist from the person”? “Is this even a question that needs to be asked regarding Turner”? I am still not certain if this was what I wanted to take from the reading and the gallery, but it was a nagging question that I still cannot answer. I felt guilty in a sense that I had disregarded the idea of Dabydeen’s perspective in praising the dominantly white experience.
Once I began questioning myself I also began questioning the gallery and how they were “advertising” the Tuner experience and how that effected the way that the public saw him as a person, rather than an artist. I began to go through the collection again and while the gallery did focus on his techniques and paintings, there were other plaques that presented personal facts about his life and how praised he was within his time and how Turner has become a British icon, even announcing that in 2020 the £20 note will be replaced with a new one with Turner as its main subject. In the gift shop there were books and other souvenirs that were of Turner and it seemed the gallery advertised the iconic image that Turner left as a British painter. I do understand that Dabydeen used the specific painting, “Slave Ship” by Turner in order to create portray Turner in his poem, but the paintings within the Tate gallery also provided this sense of who Turner is and was within the British vision. While observing this I wondered if this advertisement strategy, in a sense disregarded and or contradicted that perspective that Dabydeen tried to portray within Turner.

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