Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Directorial Assignment Part One

*no notes on casting, just find people that can fit the parts

Play deals with heavy material, so make sure that cast understands that- possibly do some research with them[1]


·         Present time, all characters have smartphones

·         Stage split into two to allow for facilitation between scene changes

·         Black curtains as background, but no wall between the two separations

·         Three homes, Tim’s(T), Edward/Kitty’s(E/K), Jake/Rachel’s(J/R)

o   Left side of stage is Edward/Kitty’s house, change between kitchen and sitting room ( might change depending on the ease at which the sets can be changed

o   Right side is everything else, but most importantly, right side is court scenes

o   E/K has a bit of an unlived in look

§  Sitting Room

·         At beginning: used sofa, with boxes on and around it

·         Middle: boxes are gone, sofa still looks used, and the room is very sparse

·         End: same as the beginning with a dust sheet over the couch

§  Kitchen

·         A table in the middle with a checkered tablecloth, four chairs around it

o   No food on the table, everything is a bit dusty

o   Little dresser in the back, vase with dead flowers on it

o   Wine rack on the dresser, a few bottles missing

o   Door into the house is clearly in the kitchen

o   T looks old

§  Dust sheets cover everything

·         Rearrangement of the furniture from the first scene

o   J/K

§  Again, rearrangement of furniture from the first two house

§  More lived in than both T and E/K

·         Court/Café

o   Court very minimalistic

§  Single chair for witness and a podium for the prosecutor/defense

§  In background, table with the three magistrates

§  Defendant is unseen and audience is in position of the audience of the trial.

o   Café has three tables with some chairs

§  Only one table is occupied,

§  Drinks are set in front of the characters on the table, just see the edge of the door in the background

§  Characters can take sips while talking


·         Build the play around scene nine in act 1

o   Big tipping point, both sides of the stage, as court and home mix

o   Gayle is in front, but not center, approaches Edward and Tim, but not too close

§  Has a space around her, like a bubble to make sure she is not touching anyone

§  She looks a bit dirty, as though she has not showered in the last three days

·         Also draw comparison between scene 2, act 1 and scene 2, act 2

o   Different/similarities between Tim and Laura?


·         Changes depending on scene

·         Edward

o   Black or navy trousers with a button-up and a tie

o   Add vest and suit jacket as needed

o   Black gown and wig for court scenes

·         Tim

o   Same as Edward with glasses

o   Add vest, jacket and tie as needed

o   Black gown and wig for court scenes

·         Jake

o   Same as Edward but with no tie

o   Add vest, jacket, and tie as needed

·         Kitty

o   Pants and blouse, but no jacket

o   Frazzled, especially in the first scene

o   Wears flats

·         Zara

o   Flowery dress, heels, white sweater

o   Full make-up, but not overly crazy

o   Hair should be done, and styled

·         Rachel

o   Pant suit

o   Heels also, very high

·         Gayle/Laura

o   G: has a rougher look, blouse with a long skirt

§  Not dirty when in court, but has some dirt spots in other scenes

§  Long hair, somewhat bedraggled, pulled back

o   L: pencil or pants with nice blouse

§  Hair pulled back into a bun

§  Soft make-up, but professional

Act One, Scene One – left side

·         Scene should begin with less lighting, just enough to see by, with the setting described earlier

o   Gayle should walk out through the background curtains, light focused on her should increase, then fade to black as she leaves.

o   Rest of actors come on, set in positions around the room, lights come back on

§  Party/house-warming atmosphere

§  Bottle of wine and glasses on a side table, with a nice tablecloth (to be used later)

§  Rachel and Edward are avoiding each other

Act One, Scene Two – right side

·         Gayle sitting in a plastic chair (possibly on a bench) playing with her hands or skirt

o   Pause when needed, after certain lines maybe – to be decided

o   Gayle can be getting frustrated, Tim is flustered

Act One, Scene Three – left side

·         Again, a party atmosphere, laughing

o   Somewhat loud

o   Zara should be somewhat quiet, but speaking up louder and louder to be hears

Act One, Scene Four- right side

·         Just Edward and Gayle for the scene where she is in the witness box

o   Light centered on the two of them, not much furniture

Act One, Scene Five – left side

·         Jake is sniffling and sitting at the table, Edward and Kitty look confused

Act One, Scene Six – right side

·         All have drinks in front of them, take sips periodically while talking

o   Seems to be going well between friends

o   Tim starts to get angry and there seems to be something between Zara and Edward

Act One, Scene Seven – right side

·         Setting is dusty, and furniture is arranged to create a large area in the center

o   Tim and Kitty stand in the middle talking

Act One, Scene Eight – left side

·         Kitty is stewing, she clearly is frustrated and possibly angry with Edward

o   Edward tosses the box on the table and sits down

Act One, Scene Nine – left side

·         Party scene again, Kitty and Edward avoid each other, Jake and Rachel are happy

o   When door rings Rachel walks to right side of stage, light on her and Gayle talking

o   When Gayle comes on stage she shoves past Rachel to enter

o   Light follows Gayle as she yells

o   Gayle is clearly dirty and her hair unwashed, she has tear tracks on her cheeks and starts drying at the end of the scene


Act Two, Scene One – left side

·         Edward acts aloof, but actually turns up frustrated during the discussion

Act Two, Scene Two – right side

·         Similar to Jake when he went to Kitty/Edward (Act One, Scene Five)

o   Edward crying

o   When sound comes up, it seems as though he is in the middle of explaining something,

Act Two, Scene Three – right side

·         Laura is the same person as Gayle

o   Acts kind, speaks straight forward

o   Edward is more f mess, but both Edward and Kitty get frustrated

Act Two, Scene Four – right side

·         Kitty and Edward are clearly angry with each other, and Jake has calming body language

o   When Tim appears, Edward gets visibly annoyed

o   Can be yelling

Act Two, Scene Five- left side

·         Zara and Kitty are both tense, same with Tim and Edward

Act Two, Scene Six – left side

·         Similar to first scene, but not with the party, just Edward and Kitty are there, so more like the beginning of the first scene

·         Folding of the sheet again, shows how the relationship has changed

o   At the end of the scene both are kneeling, not quite embracing, but not fighting either


Trueman, Matt. “London Theater Review: 'Consent' by Nina Raine.” Variety, Variety, 8 Apr. 2017,

Baksi, Catherine. “Consent – A Play by Nina Raine.” Legal Hackette's Brief, 7 May 2017,

A set of videos created by the National Theatre that introduced background, director ideas, and the actors for the first time the play was performed

[1] Actual director did take the cast to some cases in order to better understand better what happens in the situations that are discussed in the play

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